GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


My friend, Lisa, sent me the news that she had seen blue squeeze Parkay at the local supermarket. Feeling a little horrified, and still recovering from that purple ketchup news, I responded “What’s next? Colored mayonnaise?” Well, as I looked for online proof of this new blue spread (it also comes in pink), I found a blurb in Prepared Foods that had a photo of the “Fun Squeeze Parkay” (you’ll have to scroll down a bit), and this rather frightening piece of information: “As a side note, in South Africa, Nestle has been testing Gloob! mayonnaise, which is not only colored blue but also bubblegum flavored (not a concept likely to make it Stateside).” What, I ask you, is the point of mayonnaise that is flavored like bubblegum? And why isn’t it pink?

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