GirlHacker's Random Log

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I spotted my first Subaru Baja on the road today and drove recklessly (which for me means going about 5 mph over the speed limit) to catch up for a closer glance. It was dark out so I was unable to ascertain exactly how shocking the yellow paint treatment is (it is available in other colors). I did notice that its license plate was of the commercial plate number sequence, same as my husband’s Ford pickup. Federal agencies have had some fun classifying the Baja. The Environmental Protection Agency has designated it an LDV (light-duty vehicle). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration lists it as an MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) for safety purposes and a truck for fuel economy. California has been notoriously strict about slapping pickups with commercial plates and higher fees. Despite the Baja’s passenger vehicle origins as essentially a sliced open Outback wagon, it’s still got a dinky open bed for hauling cargo, and as far as California is concerned, that makes it a commercial vehicle.

Written by ltao

April 24th, 2003 at 5:43 am

Posted in Uncategorized