GirlHacker's Random Log

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I always thought male classical soloists had a rather handy advantage in being able to just put on a tuxedo night after night and not worry about the latest fashions. The women have to purchase expensive gowns and matching accessories to keep up with expectations. Well, some of the men actually prefer to break out of the penguin suit mold and dress in their own signature style for performances. Some play it safe in the black and white color ranges, doing away with white tie and black tails, opting instead for vests or flowing shirts. Others go for a color splash and don bright shirts. Meanwhile in the matching regiments of the symphony orchestra, some groups have taken the bold step of adding color to their repertoire with colored cummerbunds for the men and a colored fabric in different styles for the women. If the bright palette orchestra trend catches on, I can imagine the pendulum swinging back in a few years to basic black as the refreshing alternative.

Written by ltao

June 18th, 2004 at 2:06 am

Posted in Uncategorized