GirlHacker's Random Log

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Will a posh movie theater with $35 tickets actually succeed in the affluent community of Redmond, WA (home of Microsoft)? The Australian company that’s opening this venture in the U.S. is taking over the location of the plain ol’ movie theater that just closed. Someone has to explain to me the economics and lifestyle behavior of a community that can’t support a regular ol’ $10 ticket (plus snacks $) theater, but can support a $35 (plus gourmet food $) movie theater with a luxury experience. Will it be supported by parents who want a fancy night out without the kids but don’t want to talk to each other over dinner? Or by companies who rent the theaters out for employee events (they only seat 40)? Maybe it’s for people who just want to feel rich. The folks that can afford this treat regularly already have very nice home theaters. Or maybe I’ve just lost touch with what I’m supposed to be spending my disposable income on.

Written by ltao

March 27th, 2008 at 5:18 am

Posted in Uncategorized