GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


I’ve realized that I no longer surf the web the way I used to. It’s almost too convenient now to find interesting links! I know exactly where to go to find something new to ogle. And most days I have time only for my essential daily links. But in the young days of the web I’d sit for hours, following link after link, discovering all sorts of obscure pages. These days the web is prettier, more cleverly designed, certainly more corporate, and I should try to get in a good surfing session once in a while to find out of there’s even more interesting junk. This train of thought led me to wonder if it would be at all interesting to try a “longest path” surfing challenge where you have to start and end on the same page, but never hit the same domain twice. How far could you go and still come back? Is this even a feasible idea (I feel I may have missed some logical “duh” reason why this is a stupid idea)? We’re always trying to find the shortest distance between two points… how about the longest? How much of the web can you traverse and still return to the same point without using something like Yahoo as your roundabout?

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