GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


This weekend I bought a world globe. I’ve wanted one for years, but kept forgetting to get one. Everyone should have a globe. I hate how much time we spend looking at and thinking of a flat earth, believing that the distorted view is accurate. A lot of educational material is two dimensional when a three dimensional view would be more appropriate for our brains to learn and grow from. All those cutaway views of cell structures are so much more vivid when represented in a realistic three dimensional view. I’m not talking about having a physical 3D model necessarily, but a diagram drawn in 3D instead of the typical textbook smushed microscope slide view. Wouldn’t that exercise the brains of our kids more? I hope the addition of computers in the educational process will allow more realistic materials to be used, but my fear is that the folks who prepare the materials will continue to pander to simplistic conceptualizations of the world around us. (Note: this entry can be linked to using anchor #20700)

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