GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


I am always amazed by how instantly our brains process input and create a reaction. I react instantaneously to many things which I find funny. From something someone said, something I read, or a situation I see, it takes almost no time for my giggling to commence. Sometimes there is a delay while I figure out the humor in something, but I react to the funniest things right away. How do we do it? How do all those calculations of “well, that’s ironic because he hates fish sticks” or “that’s bitingly sarcastic and I’m amused because it is so true!” or “look — his underwear is pink too” click through so rapidly and trigger the laughter? How did this trait evolve in humans? It’s not like a sense of humor kept us from being eaten by wolves. Or maybe laughter does scare away predators. It certainly is, as the saying goes, the best medicine.

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