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Found on Medley (thanks LIM!): an article (speech?) about Diversity in Engineering. It points out that engineering is a creative activity, but the public doesn’t see it as such. “Designing a solution that elegantly solves the problem and satisfies the constraints is one of the most creative activities I know.” Yes. Yes. Yes. That is where I find much of the joy in my chosen profession. And I would have loved to hear the talk he mentions about “the difficulty women have with a car that has been designed for the 50th-percentile male.” I am forever whining about how there is no place to put my purse in the car when it’s full of people (the whine, since it usually takes place when I’m driving folks to lunch and I’m therefore hungry and grumpy, takes the form of “If women designed cars…”).

Written by ltao

March 23rd, 2000 at 4:32 am

Posted in Uncategorized