GirlHacker's Random Log

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It’s college admissions season. Whew. Seeing the articles the NY Times is running on the admissions process at Wesleyan University brought back some frightening memories. I was rejected from the majority of the places I applied to because I shot pretty high (oh lo over the ivy walls). And to this day I wonder what miracle of fate got me into the only place I really wanted to go. I remember my friend, Nicole, calling me up at work to tell me that we both got into our (same) safety school. She had already called my mom to ask her if I had also received a bulky envelope from a certain university. Her exact words were “Now we know we get to go to college!” Oh, but until that second acceptance arrived, I remained a nervous wreck. I think senior year of high school was when I picked up the terrible habit of not sleeping when I’m under stress. And it was all those darn college applications that started it. The NY Times article points out how the admissions process often ends up being very personal for the committee members as they see their own experiences reflected in those of the applicants, often ones with some disadvantage. And, as we always kept hearing, it’s those extracurricular activities that put you over the top.

Written by ltao

April 3rd, 2000 at 4:39 am

Posted in Uncategorized