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Via LTSeek, Duke OKs its chapel for same-sex unions. Here’s Duke’s news release about it. Duke‘s current president is Nan Keohane, the highly respected president of Wellesley when I was a student there. Definitely no stranger to controversy, I’m sure she’ll navigate the negative backlash with flying colors. She won my admiration during a small gathering in my dorm. We were discussing the Barbara Bush debacle (students were protesting Barbara’s choice as commencement speaker) and Nan admitted that she previously had difficulty respecting women who, like Barbara Bush, dropped out of college to get married and start families. She wasn’t criticizing us, telling us to grow up, or to get over it. She was telling us that she could relate and that it was OK to feel that way. And, I think, also, very very lightly, reminding us that we all had the capacity for growth and tolerance.

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