GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


Many years back, probably about eight, a friend said that his friend (also male) didn’t like the new women’s shoe styles that were appearing. Turns out he was lamenting the demise of toe cleavage. Yup. He didn’t like how the new styles were covering up more and more of the foot, leaving all visions of the space between toes, and indeed, the toes themselves, left to the imagination. This was a revelation to me. Toe cleavage wasn’t something I, or anyone else I know, thought of as being a style of the 1980’s. We just bought the shoes we liked. It wasn’t anything like purchasing a low neckline. I still have a few pairs of flats from that era, and they indeed are much barer on top than anything I wear now. With all reports of the 1980’s making a fashion comeback, will shoe tops be cut back as well? I found one article on this phenomenon. Printed in July 2000, it states “toe cleavage is an emerging look for fall, seen on haute couture runways as low-cut pumps, mules and sling-backs.” I had no idea we were being so racy! I rebelled and I missed it. Ah well, at least I’m prepared for the next round. Better get those no longer demure flats out for resoling.

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