Peer to peer (P2P for the oh so savvy) is the next Internet bandwagon and Barksdale and Andreesen are jumping on before it takes off, working with Zodiac Networks, still in stealth mode. KnowNow, co-founded by a high-school classmate of mine (I still remember his “modern hero” paper), has revealed what they are up to in the P2P space. And of course Napster left the station a long time ago, and it or something just like it will return in some incarnation. “Push” instead of “pull” was the Big Thing in the “early days” of the Internet (I worked in “push” at Milktruck/WebEx). Peer-to-peer should be the best of “push and pull”, transcending it to offer true real-time applications. (Been there and done that with the pushme-pullyu jokes, btw.)