A posting at Larkfarm reminded me that I had wanted to do an online search for airline playing card collections. I inherited my first two sets of airline cards from a relative. One was from the old glory days of TWA and another one celebrated an anniversary of some sort for another airline. I can’t remember which one exactly because, to my dismay, someone borrowed both sets on a Girl Scout camping trip and I never saw them again. I wish I hadn’t been so careless with them, because I do consider them collector’s items. Now all I have is a pack of different TWA cards I got on my first airplane flight in 1977, when we flew from JFK (or was it LGA?) to LAX for my brother’s college graduation. Anyway, I found a site that sells old airline cards and other airline memorabilia like sets of silverware (just what you always wanted!). Here is someone’s collection of airline cards. And the National Museum of Jewish History has some interesting El Al Airlines cards with biblical figures. AirlineCollectibles.com has an article on the ins and outs of collecting airline playing cards. I’ll save my TWA pack for future generations. It may be a forgotten name one day.