I was rollerblading along yesterday, thinking about network versus local storage again (my Nov 13 entry discussed this), but this time more specifically with cell phones. I can’t remember phone numbers as easily now that I have them attached to speed-dials on my cell phone. But when I’m using someone else’s phone, which does happen once in a while, I’m stuck. Today I was catching up on RobotWisdom and saw a news link about disposable cell phones. Telespree’s product concept is completely network based. The phone handset is a “thin client” and the backend handles voice commands. Right now, I suspect most cell phone systems have functionality divided between the phone itself and the cellular service provider’s servers. Ideally I would want my contact database stored on a server that is accessible from anywhere through any device I may need it from. Right now, my Yahoo account is synched to my home computer and work computer. My Palm is synched to my home computer. My phone talks to no one. Which way will the market go? Or will lots of systems compete? Will a standard emerge? It’s exciting to watch these things evolve.