GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


Safeway seems to have stopped carrying Stonyfield yogurt. They still have a few of the 32oz containers, but the 8oz cups are nowhere to be found. I eat Stonyfield yogurt (strawberry or vanilla) for breakfast every morning. So you can believe that I whined mightily at all the employees who asked me if I was “finding everything OK?” I was already previously complaining that they always ran out of strawberry and vanilla, and was hoping to campaign for them to start carrying some of the other flavors I find yummy instead of the peach (bland) and chocolate (bleh). But now the campaign will have to take on a more aggressive nature, or I’ll have to start shopping at Wild Oats, or make the drive to Mollie Stone’s more often. Why do I like Stonyfield? They don’t use high fructose corn syrup, the nonfat yogurt is creamy and rich, not gelatinous, it has real identifiable pieces of fruit, and it just tastes darn good!

Written by ltao

July 6th, 2001 at 3:10 am

Posted in Uncategorized