Missing a note or two in a solo performance would be embarrassing enough, but violinist Thomas Zehetmair missed his entire performance with the Philadelphia Orchestra last week. Thinking the performance was in the evening, the violinist went out for an afternoon walk, then opened the paper only to find on its pages that he was supposed to be on stage. It was an understandable mistake, considering that it was a Friday afternoon concert, not a typical Sunday matinee.
Less forgivable, perhaps depending on your perspective, was the trouble members of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic caused on a flight from Amsterdam to Los Angeles. Crew members booted them off the plane in Washington D.C. for their drunk and disorderly behavior. They were not allowed back for the second leg of the flight and had to spend the night in D.C. Someone must have had a time finding hotel rooms for 100 musicians, many of them inebriated. Chances are good, however, that they were able to get to L.A. in time for their performance. (both stories via Obscure Store)