Descriptions of the interior of Seattle’s new library sound intriguing, though the spacious environment seems intimidating. The P.I. writes that the inside “is an education for anyone who thinks of libraries as cozy, softly lit structures with oak bookshelves, a few desks and a card catalog in the center of it all.” I must be a conservative when it comes to library interiors. I like the exterior design of the building. But I prefer that the insides of libraries be all about the books, shelved in nice, straight, usable lines, not “a continuous spiral that will ramp up four levels.” And I don’t really need 40 foot ceilings. Chances are, I’ll like how the interior looks from an aesthetic point of view. But I’ll be yearning for the cozy libraries of yore. $165 million (and cost overruns estimated at $8.4 million to $16.9 million) gets you a heck of a lot more than books on straight shelves. As a city showpiece, it could be worth it. As a library, well, maybe it will encourage more people to read.