“Ducks who never get to swim.” After an uncomfortable confrontation with the director of Viva! USA at a stockholder’s meeting, John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, set out to learn more about factory farming. The unexpected result, Mackey not only became a vegan (he was a vegetarian; he does eat eggs from his own farm) but also promised to use Whole Foods’ influence to improve the living conditions of farm animals. Their duck supplier, Grimaud Farms, is now creating swimming areas for its ducks. Whole Foods’ success has made Mackey a “reluctant celebrity CEO” with profiles in prominent journals, such as this one in Fast Company. The company’s unorthodox, open book, democratic management policies (pay rates revealed, employee voting on new hires and to pick their health plan) have surprisingly scaled to 26,000 employees. Whole Foods’ influence over major food suppliers grows with its success. Dole now carries organic bananas. What started with the ducks will soon spread to pigs and beyond. (via Saute Wednesday)