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The latest avocado news…the Mercury News tried a new variety called the Don Gillogly (after its developer) with excellent results: “Tastes like it has twice the oil content of a Haas. Extremely buttery.” “the best guacamole I’ve ever made.” And the meat won’t go dark immediately. The fruit isn’t being sold (yet) but you can try to get a tree from certain nurseries. Over in the UK there are plans to sell a “seedless” avocado, but it’s not a new variety, just “baby” avocados from the end of the season that used to be ignored. I found mention of an actual seedless variety called “Fruta De Oro” (patent link) which is from Costa Rica but is being given a try in the California climate. This NY Times reprint traces avocado varieties in the U.S. along with a choice historical bit: “an archaic anomaly… scientists theorize that this extravagantly rich pulp evolved to entice megafauna like mastodons and ground sloths to swallow the fruit whole and disperse the giant seeds.” Now they have to depend on little kids with their toothpicks and biology projects.

Written by ltao

July 9th, 2005 at 12:03 am

Posted in Uncategorized