The Seattle Times is running three days of investigative reporting on glass artist Dale Chihuly whose filing of copyright lawsuits has opened his business practices to scrutiny and criticism. Day one focuses on the overall business, the building and marketing of the Chihuly brand, the company’s sales practices and factory production methods. Accompanying material includes an informative slideshow on the different methods of creating glass art. Day two hones in on Chihuly’s clever deals with charitable organizations who purchase his work for resale. Finally, day three gets to the trigger for all of the inquiry, the lawsuits and speculation on why he decided to take two fellow artists to court. The overall message is clear: Chihuly Inc. is a business, a successful one that has taken full opportunity from (some would say advantage of) PBS and philanthropic partnerships. They will protect their assets as a business would and do what it takes to keep the money coming in and their products at high value.