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Old technology delivered in a fishwrap? Sounds like an iffy proposition, but IMedia is distributing CD-ROMs in two major newspapers’ Sunday editions. So far the Dallas Morning News is happy with the endeavor. Their first disc was used 302,000 times and their circulation is 625,000. Readers are spending around 20 minutes looking at the CD which focuses on entertainment content such as movie previews, music samples, video games and comics. The New York Daily News is rolling out the discs in October. Apparently in Great Britain the CD strategy is so commonplace that users expect them in their weekend papers. I’d never get around to using the CD, especially since I’m usually on my laptop which doesn’t have a built-in drive. But I’m constantly looking through newspaper websites so I’d rather see efforts put into making those compelling and profitable.

Written by ltao

August 9th, 2006 at 3:21 am

Posted in Uncategorized