You may have taken note of the nice story about the 86-year-old woman who finally received a Girl Scout Golden Eaglet award she should have received in 1938. She missed the final requirement, a camping trip, because she had the mumps. But over the years she told everyone in her family about the missed opportunity and a daughter-in-law rallied the local Girl Scout council to make things right. What struck me was what they had to do to get an actual Golden Eaglet pin. After losing an eBay auction that closed at $800 (wow!), they dug a pin out of a mosiac that was in their council office and had it repaired. That $800 had me thinking that I should rescue my Girl Scout pins and insignia from whatever box they are in and hermetically seal them for my great grandchildren. Alas I don’t have a Gold Award, the current equivalent to the Eaglet, but maybe my Silver will be worth a small amount one day.