‘Tis the season for skiing, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I came across two related “lost ski trail” mentions. The N.Y. Times ran an article on Vermont’s forgotten trails and lifts and it mentions the New England Lost Ski Area Project which I had learned about recently. There was a simpler time before the large ski resorts and snow-making. Downhill ski areas were mom & pop operations with a T-bar, maybe a simple lodge. Then there was a boom of places to ski, plenty to choose from and interstate highways to get you to them. Eventually skiers focused on the big fancy resorts and the smaller places closed down. But there are still folks who remember the old places or even just the local hill. In the NELSAP site, I found one entry from my hometown for “The Ski Hill.” And at Silvermine golf course in Norwalk, CT, they used to run a rope tow on their largest hill, cost: $1.