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How is managing a hospital like building cars? Ask the staff at Virginia Mason, a Seattle area hospital where managers were sent to study Toyota’s “lean manufacturing” system. Since their first trip in 2002, the staff has implemented several process changes to eliminate wasted time and supplies, improve productivity, and of course provide better care for patients. Their improvements center around improving workflows, taking care of problems and communications immediately, and making sure staff and tools are used efficiently. The return has been impressive, productivity has increased by 93%, lab results get to patients 85% faster, and inventory costs have been lowered by $1 million. Hospital CEO Dr. Gary Kaplan pictures a future when a patient goes from the parking garage straight to their appointment, with no waiting room in between. I suppose that will allow for a savings in magazine subscriptions as well.

Written by ltao

March 20th, 2008 at 3:45 am

Posted in Uncategorized