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In this compilation of “Roadside attractions for Bay Area commuters,” the S.F. Chronicle offers up the observation that the Waldo Tunnel rainbow archways were not painted by “happy hippies” in the 1970s but Caltrans engineer Alan Hart who decided it would be a nice touch. Hart passed away in 1994 but wrote about the paint job: “I was so certain that the bureaucrats at Sacramento would find 1000 reasons why I couldn’t paint the rainbows that I never made any effort to get their approval.” Hart oversaw construction of two of the most aesthetically appealing highways in the area, the gracefully curving I-280 which sports a “World’s Most Beautiful Freeway” sign, and I-80 as it crosses the Sierra Nevada which has been dedicated as the “Alan S. Hart Freeway.”

Written by ltao

March 12th, 2009 at 3:41 am

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