I can plug into the Internet from many places in my condo now, but I’ve realized what I really need is not wireless access or a computer in every room, but a lightweight dumb terminal that has wireless access to my main computer. It would be like a laptop with a killer flat panel and decent sized keyboard, but it wouldn’t need to do much besides communicate keystrokes and screen updates with my main system. Of course in order to do that, it probably needs just as much of a brain as a full computer. But the idea is that my actual computer stays protected and wired onto the Internet while I can travel around my place, heck maybe anywhere, with this interface device. This idea may not seem practical when you could just have a laptop as your main system, but the idea of keeping my “mainframe” secured is nice. Maybe one day we’ll all have our real systems in data centers and be back to the dumb terminal idea, except this time they’ll be good to go.