GirlHacker's Random Log

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The Cross Convergence pen gets a lot closer to what I was hoping for with the CueCat. It is a detached, normal sized pen, unlike that cumbersome cat with the chord. So it fits in much better with typical reading and shopping activities, plus any impulse barcode scans you may want to do. And you can write with it too! It is available on the website for $89.99 and seems to only have Windows software. I am hoping that, like the CueCat, someone will sponsor or subsidize this device so consumers can have it for free or cheaper. But it is probably a hefty loss-leader to justify in the current economic situation. Of course, it has that chicken or egg problem. If no one uses the scanners, the Digital Convergence codes are useless (however, bar codes can be stored too, and those often work just as well). I doubt many people are CueCatting, so they need more mobile devices like this one.

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