GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


You would think that creating a gift registry would be easy and fun. You get to shop and not worry about spending lots of your own money. You get to pick out exactly what you want and not concern yourself about whether it is on sale. It should be the dream activity for someone like me who hates to pay full price for anything and often settles for something less than exactly what I want because something that will substitute just fine is on clearance. Well, I’ve found that it’s not as dreamy as all that. For example, the sheet sets we want are not available in the colors and configurations we want at the places we want them to be at. Macy’s online has them in the right configurations (separate listings for each item) but not in the right colors (though I can probably go to the actual store myself and ask them how to get the right colors listed, but that doesn’t mean someone will be able to buy them online). Bed Bath & Beyond has them in the right colors but packages them up into sets that cost more than I expect someone to spend for a wedding gift. And because people are selling spring and summer things now, no one has a good selection of flannel sheets, or they are on clearance, which makes me wary that they won’t be available by the time our wedding rolls around. So, there’s muss and fuss to be dealt with in this activity. Since we already have plenty to fuss over, it’s best that I just relax and do what I can with what’s available. It’s just that it’s disappointing when the activities you’ve been looking forward to turn out to be less fun that you expected.

Written by ltao

March 18th, 2001 at 2:40 pm

Posted in Uncategorized